2021 end of year sterilisation numbers
We are very happy to announce that we managed to sterilise 1075 animals in 2020, despite Covid-19 and the
2021 End of year figures and a tremendous heartfelt thank you to all of our supporters and donators! You have made this all possible!
1440 animals came in :
1147 cats were sterilised
122 dogs were sterilised
In total 1269 animals were taken out of the reproduction cycle!
171 were other situations, help with ears, eyes, tail amputation, leg operations, hip operation, euthanasia, dogs were vaccinated, cats / dogs were tested for diseases etc.
1440 animals of which 793 were female, 476 were male, and 171 were not specified
We were invoiced for € 84.484,87
We microchipped & registered 204 animals
33 male dogs, 52 female dogs, 34 dogs were already microchipped before they came in for sterilisation.
40 male cats, 79 female cats
In 2021 we took in 93 animals for rehoming, and have rehomed all but 4 kittens, now cats still looking for a home.
Once again thank you all so much! We are hoping we can continue and achieve even more animals in 2022!!